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Android resources

SDK reference for integration

Please refer to this section to access the documentation of SDK implementation for Android.

Sample code

Get the SDK sample app here:

JFrog Maeven repository

Add the dependency to your build.gradle: maven { url = "" }. Please refer to this section to access the documentation of SDK implementation for Android.


Please use the JFrog Maeven repository from the version 6.1 and higher.


Please note that the latest version may change your implementation of the Withings SDK. Refer to the specific changelog to get more information.

Release dateStatusVersionDescriptionChangelogAssets
April 2022stablev6.4.2Add the Withings device advertisement name to the sync listener. Fix Android 12 compatibilityclick hereUse JFrog Maeven repository
August 2021alphav6.3.0Add Android 12 hereUse JFrog Maeven repository
March 2021stablev6.1Improve the background BLE scan and background detection should be faster avoiding some hereUse JFrog Maeven repository
March 2021stablev6.0Release of the background synchronization feature. Improvement of firmware upgrade over hereNot available
October 2020stablev5.0Medical cloud compatibilityclick hereNot available
June 2020stablev4.17Improve connectivity. Thermo management.Not availableNot available
May 2020stablev4.12Improve connectivity. Withings Move and Pulse HR managementNot availableNot available
February 2020deprecatedv4.6Add new signature process.Not availableNot available
January 2020deprecatedv1.4Bug fixes : start notification, crash, binaryNot availableNot available
January 2020deprecatedv1.2 / v4.0.1Add CSRF token managementNot availableNot available
December 2019deprecatedv1.1 / v4.0.1Add easier integration method (default method)Not availableNot available
November 2019deprecatedv3.0.2First release of PROD versionNot availableNot available

Please use the latest stable version.


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