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This class manages a service which allows background data synchronisation between your Withings devices and the Withings cloud.



Background modes

This service requires the following background mode capabilities on your app:

  • Uses Bluetooth LE accessories
  • Acts as a Bluetooth LE accessory

Device tokens

This service requires you to provide one or more Withings device tokens. There are two ways to get a device token:

  • After installing a Withings device with the SDK, you will receive a WithingsWebViewNotification Installation success (1) or Installation from settings success (4) with a parameter advertise_key which contains your device token.
  • Through the Withings API User v2 - Getdevice. This API lists your devices. The device token is stored with the advertise_key key.

Both methods must be implemented to ensure the proper functioning of the background sync service.

Start service

public class func start(with deviceKeys: [String])

When you start this service, your application will wake up in the background when a Withings device is within BLE range. The synchronisation process will then start in the background.


This function should be called if you want to support Bluetooth synchronisation:

  • For Wi-Fi / BLE Devices: required when end user selects "I don't have a Wi-Fi option". Optional if user selects Wi-Fi sync in the setup process.
  • For Bluetooth LE only trackers: required to support Bluetooth sync.

Stop service

public class func stop()

This method stops the background sync service.


The SDK will post a notification to the NotificationCenter when a background sync event occurs for a device, such as:

  • synchronisation started
  • synchronisation succeeded
  • synchronisation failed

The notification name is WithingsSyncStatus.notificationName and it contains an enum value WithingsSyncStatus within the userInfo dictionary (key = WithingsSyncStatus.notificationStatusKey). This enum value describes the event.

Here is a sample code to listen for Background sync notifications:

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: WithingsSyncStatus.notificationName, object: nil, queue: nil) { [weak self] (notification) in
guard let status = notification.userInfo?[WithingsSyncStatus.notificationStatusKey] as? WithingsSyncStatus else { return }
switch status {
case .started(let peripheral: WithingsPeripheral):
print("Sync started for device token \(peripheral.deviceKey)")
case .succeeded(let peripheral: WithingsPeripheral):
print("Sync succeeded for device token \(peripheral.deviceKey)")
case .failed(let peripheral: WithingsPeripheral):
print("Sync failed for device token \(peripheral.deviceKey)")

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