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📓 Implementation Example

Let's look at a complete scenario with a user.

At first, we start by activating the device and we pass 80kg as the baseline weight.

Endpoint Details:

  • Endpoint:
  • Method: POST
"action": "activate",
"client_id": "yourClientID",
"mailingpref": 1,
"birthdate": "1985-06-15",
"nonce": nonce,
"signature": signature,
"measures": '[{"value":190,"unit":-2,"type":4},{"value":10,"unit":0,"type":1}]',
"gender": 0,
"preflang": "en_US",
"unit_pref": '{"weight":1,"height":6,"distance":6,"temperature":11}',
"email": "",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"shortname": "JDE",
"mac_addresses": ["00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E"],

We get our authorization code, and we can exchange it for an access and refresh token.

Then, using our tokens, we can pull the measurement and check the probability:

"status": 0,
"body": {
"updatetime": 1712722989,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"measuregrps": [
"grpid": 5423702714,
"attrib": 0,
"date": 1712722953,
"created": 1712722989,
"modified": 1712722989,
"category": 1,
"deviceid": 14546187,
"hash_deviceid": "7df35c0a18c61a7009072621879658d91467dcb3",
"probability": 100,
"measures": [
"value": 75232,
"type": 1,
"unit": -3,
"algo": 218236163,
"fm": 3
"modelid": 17,
"model": "Body Comp Pro",
"comment": null

As expected, we get a probability of 100.

Now, lets say that the user step on the scale for the first time.

We will receive a notification, and we can pull the first "real measurement":

"status": 0,
"body": {
"updatetime": 1712722989,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"measuregrps": [
"grpid": 5423702714,
"attrib": 0,
"date": 1712722953,
"created": 1712722989,
"modified": 1712722989,
"category": 1,
"deviceid": 14546187,
"hash_deviceid": "7df35c0a18c61a7009072621879658d91467dcb3",
"probability": 100,
"measures": [
"value": 75232,
"type": 1,
"unit": -3,
"algo": 218236163,
"fm": 3
"modelid": 17,
"model": "Body Comp Pro",
"comment": null

We have a probability of 92 for this measurement.

A good pratice is to always confirm the first measurement to ensure that the baseline weight is correct.

In order to do so we recommend you to prompt the user with a message in your application or to send him a push notification/sms.

Once the user confirmed the measurement on your side, we can perform the request to the Withings API:

"access_token": "YourAccessToken",
"action": "confirm",
"grpid": "12345",
"is_confirmed": 1

Now, we should get high probabilty for the next measurements if it's the same user using the scale.

Let's say that someone else use the scale to weight himself.

We will receive a notification and we can pull the measurement:

"status": 0,
"body": {
"updatetime": 1712722989,
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"measuregrps": [
"grpid": 5423702714,
"attrib": 0,
"date": 1712722953,
"created": 1712722989,
"modified": 1712722989,
"category": 1,
"deviceid": 14546187,
"hash_deviceid": "7df35c0a18c61a7009072621879658d91467dcb3",
"probability": 23,
"measures": [
"value": 75232,
"type": 1,
"unit": -3,
"algo": 218236163,
"fm": 3
"modelid": 17,
"model": "Body Comp Pro",
"comment": null

We get a low probability as expected.

Once we know this measurement doesn't belong to the user with can do the request to reject the measurement:

"access_token": "YourAccessToken",
"action": "confirm",
"grpid": "12345",
"is_confirmed": 0

This will improve the algorithm for future measurements.


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